Portfolio V1.0 (You're here)
show codeThis is my current portfolio, I am very proud of this project,
I have learnt and used the Astro Framework for this project.
It is, as of right now, not optimised to be viewed on mobile devices, but I am working on it.
Languages Used:
- Astro
- CSS3
- TypeScript / JavaScript
P4 WebDev game (better known as Bali) V0.7
In the 4th Period of my 2nd year in school. I was tasked to make a videogame, from scratch. I paired up
with a couple of friends and we made a game called Bali.
The game is multiplayer and the goal is to push the other people off. As of right now there is no ending.
We're still working on it
Languages Used:
- Html
- JavaScript / THREEjs library
Woordle V0
Woordle is another school project where we had to create a game. We could choose between a couple of games:
Hangman, Wordle or a typing course. We chose Wordle, but wanted to make it with our own twist.
so, instead of guessing five letter words. You have to guess six letter words
We wanted to give our own spin on it, we are working on adding a score system and a leaderboard.
Languages Used:
- Html
- JavaScript